08 Apr

This week I found the recipe on Pinterest and was poised to make it free and clear. As I meandered around Trader Joes, that was unusually crowded that day (ya'll gon' know that I love me some Trader Joes), they did not have tahini, of which this recipe called for.  I did a quick search on Google of what I could use in place of tahini.  Google said I could use regular greek yogurt and, surprisedly, sesame oil to give me what I was looking for.  

Perusing the refrigerated dairy section, I saw Creamy Cashew yogurt.  From my days as a raw foodist, I remember that plenty of days I made cashew "cheese", and so I could probably get that unctous cheesy-like taste that tahini offered. I plopped it in the cart.

As I am entering into this second phase (ahem... perimenopause) it's come to my attention that the star of this dish, sweet potatoes, are helpful during this phase but is a very appropriate food to keep hormones in balance. According to Dr. Mindy Peltz, author of Fast Like a Girl, she emphasizes the need for sweet potatoes that helps to lessen cortisol and feed progesterone, a much-needed hormone that requires attention at least two weeks before your menstrual cycle.

The GOAT of this quick dish contains power packed nutrients with the added bonus of being plant-based.  

Japanese Sweet Potato

  • Also called Sabuma-Imo in Japanese
  • Grown in Japan and Okinawa (this is where people live to be centurions)
  • Contains 1.6 grams of protein
  • Low in fat
  • Rich in beta carotene, B1, B5, and B6
  • Rich in minerals magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium
  • Helps to ease constipation
  • May prevent artery hardening
  • Is an antimicrobial food
  • Contains anti-carcinogenic compounds


  • 1-2 Japanese Purple Sweet Potatoes (or as many as needed, especially if you are meal-planning)
  • 1 Bag of frozen spinach
  • 1 can of garbanzo beans (washed and drained)


  • Garlic Powder
  • Smoked Onion Powder
  • Smoked Paprika
  • Umami Seasoning (from Trader Joes or Whole Foods)
  • Coarse black pepper

Cashew 'Sour Cream'

  • Toasted sesame oil
  • Cashew yogurt
  • Maple syrup
  • Soy Sauce or Amino Acids
  • Juice of 1 lemon


  • Avocado or Olive Oil
  • Regular or Plant based butter
  • Cilantro (optional)
  • Hot sauce, salsa, or crispy chili onion oil (optional)

Price Point (Meal only without spices)

8.00-20.00 (for multiple meals)


1. Rub avocado or olive oil on the Japanese sweet potato until completely covered. With a fork poke holes along the potato to allow for an even bake. Bake on 425 degrees for 30 minutes or until tender.  Once fully baked, leave the sweet potato in the oven to keep warm.

2. In a separate bowl, blend the cashew yogurt, toasted sesame oil, soy/amino acid sauce, lemon, maple syrup.  Mix together, adding more of whatever flavors you enjoy most. 

2. Open the can of garbanzo beans, draining and washing off the sitting liquid.  Heat a skillet with avocado or another oil that allows for high heat. After the oil is heated, place the garbanzo beans in the skillet and season with those listed above.  Feel free to add others you like to taste. 

3.  After the seasonings are fragrant and there is a sizzle in the pan, add the frozen spinach. Taste for your liking and add any spices listed above or others as needed.  

4. Grabbing a beautiful plate, place the Japanese sweet potato therein.  Split the potato open and add either regular salted butter or plant base.  Once melted, spoon the spinach and garbanzo mixture in the middle. Add cilantro, parsley, or any other herb or green that you like for added freshness. For an amazing "sour cream" like dressing, spoon the cream sauce atop of the sweet potato and toppings.

Ya'll I made enough for a couple of days, and it left me satiated and full, especially when I added cilantro and Trader Joe's Crunchy Chili Onion oil.  I also noticed that cravings for sweets were diminished before and during my period, and I did not have cramps and bleed was about 40% less during my cycle. 

Try this recipe! You will not be disappointed!

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