For 2025 consider these steps to creating an Action Board to turn your dreams into doables, making your aspirations a reality through strategic steps and planning!

  •  1/2/2025 06:18 PM

The rediscovery of the inner child holds the bounty of who we once were and who we forgot we were. Reengage and fall back in love with who you are and shed who you think you should be!

  •  6/15/2024 06:35 PM

Relationships, whether friendship, familial, or intimate, are more than meets the eye. As we navigate opening up post-COVID, let's take the lessons learned to replenish and start new and healed relationships that deepen, transform, and enlighten...for all parties involved.

  •  5/22/2024 03:56 PM

There comes poignant times in life where you must surrender releasing all that you know and have become to transcend higher and become other.

  •  1/12/2024 04:50 PM

Consider giving yourself a break as you do another turn around the sun this year. I promise are doing GREAT!

  •  1/4/2024 10:18 PM